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The Rohingya have been forcibly displaced throughout Asia, including India, with repatriation to Myanmar deemed impossible. How are they being treated in India, a country lacking refugee laws and international commitments? According to Indian laws and the policies of the current BJP-led government, they are viewed as “aliens” who pose a security threat and are excluded by the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act. Do Indians endorse this view?
How can the relationship between the State and civil society be undestood in a Chinese perspective? Runya Qiaoan gives her assessment in this video-interview shot on the margins of Reset DOC’s 2022 Venice Seminars, “Between State and Civil Society: Who Protects Individual Liberties and Human Dignity?”
Online (Zoom)
Join us on Thursday March 7th at 8 am EST / 2pm CET / 6:30pm IST to dissect the implications of Modi’s triumphalism, the erosion of India’s federal system, and how will this impact India’s international aspirations after India’s upcoming elections.
Online (Zoom & Facebook Live)
Join us online for a momentous virtial roundtable on Friday 11 March at 12pm EST / 6pm CET – With José Casanova, Craig Calhoun, Sean Golden, Andrea Graziosi, Shada Islam, Marlene Laruelle, Mikhail Minakov


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