Convening 24 November 2020 Zoom
The Divided Society After November 3rd

23 & 24 November 2020 

If you missed the conference, you can re-view the full registration of each session on our Facebook page.

November 23rd:

November 24th:


Reset Dialogues on Civilizations | Reset Dialogues US | Centro Studi Americani | The Italian Academy at Columbia University

With the support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Hillman Family Foundations


In contemporary democracies, conflict over the correct policy responses to everything from the Covid-19 pandemic, economic inequality, and ethnic diversity continues unabated. In the United States in particular, this conflict has sown profound divisions between the actors of the staunch two-party system, which are not only political but have taken on a distinctly cultural hue. As the 2020 presidential elections results have clearly illustrated, this divide is deeply entrenched in the political landscape and does not show signs of easing.

When policy debates devolve into winner-take-all showdowns, the lessons learned by the political parties tend to drive them further apart. From the realm of foreign policy to the politics of identity, unresolved questions haunt our systems: Are we becoming inured to the reality of an increasingly divided society? Where does popular sovereignty truly reside? With the current pique of charismatic chief executives and constitutional crises in the democratic and democratizing world, echoes of Carl Schmitt reverberate in the chambers of parliament and the halls of justice. Democracies that prize political majoritarianism without protecting voices of the minority encourage defeatism. Racial tensions have come to the fore in an already fraught political climate and will affect to a large extent people’s electoral habits, perhaps with the emergence of new and unseen voting patterns. Does a Biden presidency have the tools and political grounding to begin facing these difficult questions? Or have the political echo chambers become too divergent? 


Hours are indicated in Eastern Standard Time & Central European Time, respectively

23 November

11:30am-11:55am | 17:30-17:55

Welcome remarks 

Giancarlo Bosetti, Reset DOC

Ferdinando Salleo, Centro Studi Americani


11:55am-12:55am | 17:55-18:55

Round Table

The US after November 3rd: Will the Healing Begin? 

Michael Walzer (Introduction)

Jelani Cobb (Keynote Speech)

Lisa Anderson, Jedediah Purdy

Chair: Marina Calloni


5 minute break


1:00pm-2:00pm | 19:00-20:00

Round Table

The Future of Atlantic Relations

Giuliano Amato, Craig Calhoun, Federico Rampini, Torrey Taussig 

Chair: Maria Latella


24 November

11:30am-12:30am | 17:30-18:30

Round Table

The Divided Society

Mark Lilla (Keynote Speech)

Anthony Appiah, Sheri Berman, Ian Buruma

Chair: Giuseppe Sarcina


5 minute break


12:35pm-1:35pm | 18:35-19:35

Round Table

Inequality, Caste and Democracy

Daron Acemoğlu (Keynote Speech)

Sudipta Kaviraj, Michèle Lamont, Rahsaan Maxwell

Chair: José Casanova 


1:35pm-2:00pm | 19:35 -20:00

Closing remarks 

Giancarlo Bosetti 

Confirmed Speakers: 

Daron Acemoğlu • Giuliano Amato • Lisa Anderson • Anthony Appiah • Sheri Berman • Ian Buruma • Craig Calhoun • Marina Calloni • José Casanova • Jelani Cobb • Sudipta Kaviraj • Michèle Lamont • Maria Latella • Mark Lilla • Rahsaan Maxwell • Jedediah Purdy • Federico Rampini • Giuseppe Sarcina • Torrey Taussig • Michael Walzer


Photo: Logan Cyrus / AFP




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