Who we are Committee David Rasmussen
David Rasmussen

David Rasmussen is Professor of Philosophy at Boston College and Honorary President of the Center for Ethics and Global Politics of LUISS University. His fields of interest are contemporary continental philosophy, social and political philosophy. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of Philosophy & Social Criticism. His books include: Reading Habermas;Universalism vs. Communitarianism in EthicsHandbook of Critical TheoryJürgen Habermas: The Foundations of the Habermas ProjectJürgen Habermas: Law and Politics; Jürgen Habermas: EthicsJürgen Habermas: Epistemology and TruthCritical Theory Vol. I-IV. He currently prepares a book on John Rawls. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Istanbul Seminars.



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