  • 11 January 2021
    This video is a recording of the 4th panel of the conference “The Divided Society After November 3rd” held on the 23rd and 24th of November 2020 in collaboration with the Centro Studi Americani and the Italian Academy at Columbia University. In contemporary democracies, conflict over the correct policy responses to everything from the Covid-19 pandemic, economic inequality, and ethnic diversity continues unabated. In the United States in particular, this conflict has sown profound divisions between the actors of the staunch two-party system, which are not only political but have taken on a distinctly cultural hue. As the 2020 presidential election results and recent events have clearly illustrated, this divide is deeply entrenched in the political landscape and does not show signs of easing.  
  • 11 January 2021
    This video is a recording of the 1st panel of the conference “The Divided Society After November 3rd” held on the 23rd and 24th of November 2020 in collaboration with the Centro Studi Americani and the Italian Academy at Columbia University. In contemporary democracies, conflict over the correct policy responses to everything from the Covid-19 pandemic, economic inequality, and ethnic diversity continues unabated. In the United States in particular, this conflict has sown profound divisions between the actors of the staunch two-party system, which are not only political but have taken on a distinctly cultural hue. As the 2020 presidential election results and recent events have clearly illustrated, this divide is deeply entrenched in the political landscape and does not show signs of easing.
  • Michael Sandel 19 December 2017
    To understand the rise of populism we need to engage and care about questions as dignity of work, uncriticized financialization of market driven economy, growing inequality, missing solidarity and the fear of immigration.
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