  • Reset Dialogues on Civilizations 18 June 2020
    The Venice Seminars 2020 analyzed if communities are given or constructed and examine the role language, recognition and alterity have for the shape of communities. The Seminars addressed issues concerning global intellectual history and study how modern nation-states have engaged with issues of difference and integration, including the themes of subnational identities and linguistic, ethnic and religious minorities in Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
  • Francesco Botturi 16 June 2020
    A coherent classical liberal vision is grounded on the belief that the primary issue, due to its universality, is the safeguard of individual autonomy, governed by a legal system capable of protecting and promoting it.
  • Adam B. Seligman & David W. Montgomery 19 May 2020
    In this paper, the authors argue here that human rights are as much the problem as they are the solution to the contemporary challenge of constructing civil society, observing that the seemingly inherent long-term social and political consequences of close to half a century of advocating human rights to the exclusion of other components of human good and fulfillment have been at the expense of any sense of shared belonging. Delineating between rights and belonging, they show how the extreme right has latched on to a tangible argument for belonging while the left has responded by continuing to advocate for abstract, universal, and unencumbered human rights to the detriment of its efforts to build civil society.
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