Contributors Chandra Mallampalli
Chandra Mallampalli

Chandra Mallampalli is a Fellow of the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College. He taught for 22 years at Westmont College, where he held the Fletcher Jones Foundation Chair of the Social Sciences. His first three books examine the evolution of Christian, Muslim, and Hindu identities in relation to legal and political policies and print media. His most recent book, South Asia’s Christians: Between Hindu and Muslim, describes how the lives of Christians have been shaped by centuries of interactions with Hindus and Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. His next project, “The Virtues of Mixture: Religion, Labor Migrants and Cosmopolitanism in the Indian Ocean” examines the experiences of cultural and racial mixture among South Indian labor migrants to West and Southeast Asia, and whether their religious commitments either facilitated or impeded their capacity for world citizenship.



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