  • Olivier Roy interviewed by Elisa Pierandrei 11 May 2011
    The announcement of Bin Laden’s death signaled another step forward for relations between Muslims and the West. Feelings of relief were widespread, and even in the Arab world there was no sign of the violent reactions that some expected. Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood declared that Bin Laden should have been tried in a court of law, but also specified that the former leader of al Qaeda did not represent Islam. ResetDoC has analyzed the consequences of Bin Laden’s death with Olivier Roy, the great sociologist of religion and the author of Reset’s book entitled Islam alla sfida della laicità, 2008 (in English, Secularism Confronts Islam, Columbia, 2007). In his opinion, the Muslim Brotherhood’s position is coherent: “They do consider Bin Laden as an evil man, but by calling for a trial, they play on international law and can maintain a critical attitude toward the heavy-handed U.S. political practices in the area.”
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