  • Lorenzo Kihlgren Grandi 10 July 2013
    Many Egyptian artists consider the June 30th revolution “theirs” and they are not wrong. The civil and political commitment of hundreds of poets, painters, photographers, musicians, singers and dancers from all over Egypt resulted in numerous ‘occupations’, the starting point for a joyful and determined peoples’ protest. According to Morsi’s supporters, one of the former president’s greatest merits was his campaign against corruption, blasphemy, the West’s influence and all that is haraam; hence impure and forbidden by God. In line with this objective, the Minister for Culture, Alaa Abdel-Aziz, appointed on May 7th, had started to replace those responsible for the Egyptian cultural scenario, making new appointments based on strictly political-religious assessments. The project soon alarmed the lively Egyptian cultural world, worried about seeing its independence being subjected to a new obscurantism of Islamist origin.  
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