Abdou Filali-Ansary is research professor at the Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (AKU-ISMC) in London. Previously, he was the founding director of the AKU-ISMC (2002-2009), director of the King Abdul-Aziz Foundation for Islamic Studies and Human Sciences in Casablanca, Morocco (1984-2001), and assistant professor of philosophy in the Faculty of Letters at Rabat University where he taught modern philosophy from 1970 to 1973. In 1993, Prof. Filali-Ansary initiated a bilingual journal (Arabic/French) Prologues: revue maghrébine du livre with a team from the academic community in Morocco. His publications include French and English translations: Islam and the foundations of political power (Paris: La Découverte, and Casablanca: Le Fennec, 1994; Edinburgh: EUP, 2012), essays entitled L’islam est-il hostile à la laïcité? (Casablanca: Le Fennec, 1996 and 1999), Par souci de clarté (Casablanca, Le Fennec, 2001). Among his last publications: Islam and the Foundations of Political Power, written with Ali Abdel Razek (2012), and The Construction of Belief: Reflections on the Thought of Mohammed Arkoun written with Aziz Esmail (2013).

Abdou Filali-Ansary