Carthage Seminars 2022 – Full program
Carthage (Tunisia)



Beit Al Hikma – The Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts

25, Rue de la République – Carthage, Tunisie


Full Program





Registration and welcome coffee



Opening session

Nejia Ouriemmi, Academician, Academy “Beit al-Hikma,” Carthage

Jonathan Laurence, Director, Reset US; Boston College

Mohammed Hashas, Scientific Coordinator, Reset DOC; Luiss University, Rome


Session 1 – Social Change and the Arab-Muslim Intelligentsia 



Panel 1

Mohamed Haddad, The social and the political in the Tunisian experience

Amel Grami,  Academia and social change in the region: What is missing?

Wahid Abdelmeguid, Primitive thinking and the Arab social crisis

Chair: Nejia Ouriemmi, University of Tunis al-Manar; Academy “Beit al-Hikma”


11:30-11:45 Break



Panel 2

Elizabeth Suzanne Kassab, The intellectual challenges for keeping up with the social changes: the case of contemporary Arab political thought

Mohammed Hashas, For change in the Arab world: Three projects from Rabat School

Meysam Badamchi, The quest for reform in Islamic contexts:  A comparative reflection on H. Hanafi and H. Yousefi Eshkevari

Chair: Jonathan Laurence, Boston College; Reset Dialogues US


13:15-14:30 Lunch Break


Session II: Constitutionalism and Minorities in the Arab World


Panel 3

Nejia Ouriemmi, The future of the minorities in the Arab world: What role for the concept of citizenship?

Volker Kaul, Arab constitutionalism: Between freedom, identity and the truth

Georges Fahmi, Christian churches in the MENA and the Arab Spring (Online)

Chair: Mohammed Hashas, Luiss University, Rome; Reset DOC


16:00-16:30 Break



Panel 4 

Lisa Anderson, On the social sciences in the Arab world (Online)

Mounir Saidani,  Is (changing) sociology a social demand now?

Sari Hanafi, What does the ethical turn mean for the social sciences?

Chair: Volker Kaul, Charles University, Prague; Reset DOC


FRIDAY, JULY 8, 2022


Session 3: Failed social change and and the rising challenges: sectarianism, migration, natural crises, and State reactions



Panel 5 

Joseph Bahout, Social change in Syria-Lebanon

Amel Boubekeur, Analyzing change in Algeria (Online)

Sharan Grewal, US reactions to coups in Sudan, Tunisia, and Egypt

Chair: Sari Hanafi, American University of Beirut


10:30-10:45 Break



Panel 6

Stefano Allievi, Human mobility and plural societies: Migrations, cultural conflicts and social change

Renata Pepicelli, Environmental changes and challenges in the Arab world: The case of Tunisia

Mohammed Masbah, The bureaucratization of “State Islam”: The case of Morocco

Chair: Elizabeth Suzanne Kassab, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies



Young Scholars Space – Synthetic Presentations of Summer School Workshops. 


13:15-14:30 Lunch.

End of Carthage Seminars 2022.



The Carthage Seminars are free and open to all.

Working languages: English and Arabic. A simultaneous translation will be provided.